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1346 South Jason Street
Denver, CO, 80223
United States


Denver based clothing company. Bring streetwear fashion to action sports. We are at the forefront of design and quality. Become Royalty with Royal Outerwear. -Livin' Like Royalty-

Dustins BIO

Dustin Rick

Position at Royal: Team Rider
Bike: Haro SD Frame, Cult Stem, Volume Bars, Fit Shiv Forks, Madera Cranks, Madera Hubs Laced to Big Baller Rims
Date of Birth: February 25th, 1996
Where Were You Born: Milwaukee, WI
Where Do You Live Now: Franklin, WI
Hobbies: Riding Bikes
Favorite Color: Teal
Favorite Food: Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids
Favorite Drink: Reb Bull... cause it gives you wings
If You Could Be Any Animal What Would It Be: Siberian Husky
Describe Your Style: Working on making stuff flow together and smooth