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1346 South Jason Street
Denver, CO, 80223
United States


Denver based clothing company. Bring streetwear fashion to action sports. We are at the forefront of design and quality. Become Royalty with Royal Outerwear. -Livin' Like Royalty-

Joes BIO

Joe Delossantos


Position at Royal: Team Rider
What Do You Skate On: Independent Trucks, Bones Wheels, Bones Reds Bearings and Whatever skate deck I can get my hands on. 
Date of Birth: 1/31/98
Where Were You Born: Santa Maria, CA 
Where Do You Live Now: Littleton, CO
Hobbies:  Skateboarding & Chilling with the homies
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite Food: Burritos
Favorite Drink: Monster Energy Drink 
One interesting fact about yourself: If I say I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it. 
Describe Your Style: Clean and Balanced